Book a Bungalow

Here you can book your accomodation easy and direct, also combined with a dive package or a course bundle!

Here”s how it works:

1. Put in your preferred travel dates and press the ‘confirm travel dates’ button

2. Next click on the ‘availability’ button of the resort of your choice

3. Now you have two options:
Book Bungalow Only | Book Bungalow with Dive Package and/or Dive Course

click on the ‘book now’ button of the option your choice.

If you choose ‘bungalow only’ you’ll be straight forwarded to the booking mask where you can choose addtional services like airport transfer, extra bed and many more.

If you choose a diving package or a course bundle you’ll find the specific offers within the booking mask.
Please select the desitred number of students and kindly note the minimum course duration when booking a bungalow.

It’s much more easy then you think, just try it!

Hinweis: Ihr könnt Eure Reisedaten auch jederzeit während des Buchungsprozesses ändern, indem Ihr im Kalender einfach auf ein anderes Datum klickt! Hint: You can change your travel dates at anytime during the booking process by just clicking on the date of your choice in the calendar!