Specialty Programs

We have a wide range of specialized programs available within the SSI training system, providing you with a variety of course options. These programs include deep diving, nitrox, and decompression diving, greatly expanding your diving possibilities. In addition to these specialized programs, we also offer other courses like React Right and Stress & Rescue, designed to enhance your confidence and safety while underwater Most of our specialty programs come with high-quality digital learning materials in different languages, accessible through the SSI app, enabling you to prepare for your chosen specialty before your arrival.
Our diving area boasts a wide variety of dive sites, making it an ideal location for numerous programs. Notably, our advanced wreck course is highly recommended due to the famous Liberty Wreck and the popular Boga Wreck. Another advantage of our diving courses is the short distance to the dive sites, which gives us a time advantage for theory training, preparation, and dive planning.
By combining multiple programs, we can enhance the quality of your training and offer packages based on SSI recognition levels. For example, completing a certain number of specialty programs can earn you the Specialty Diver recognition level as your second level of experience or the Advanced Open Water Diver recognition level as your third level of experience. With these increased levels of experience, you will have access to a wider range of dive sites worldwide. Additionally, your skills and knowledge will be up to date, ensuring that you are well-prepared for any diving adventure.


Nitrox specialty diver with stage scuba tank

Enriched Air Nitrox

125 per Person
  • Duration 1 day
  • 1 dive included
  • Discover the numerous advantages of using oxygen-enriched air for diving in this highly sought-after course. Learn the techniques necessary to incorporate this technique into your diving practices and elevate your diving skills.
Underwater photography from SSI Specialties

Advanced Adventurer

250 per Person
  • Duration 2 days
  • 5 dives included
  • Enrolling in the Advanced Adventurer course presents a distinctive chance to engage in five exclusive diving activities. Upon successful completion of the program's deep dive, you will have the opportunity to explore depths of up to 30 meters.
SSI Stress and Rescue Course Exercise

Stress & Rescue

288 per Person
  • Duration 3 days
  • 3 dives included
  • Through engagement in this course, you will attain the essential proficiencies to competently handle and prevent unforeseen circumstances by promptly identifying preliminary indicators of stress and implementing appropriate remedies.
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Register for free

The MySSI app is an all-in-one tool for underwater activities. It contains digital certification cards, learning materials and a logbook. It is free and easy to use.

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Specialty Packages

Group of divers with SCR Horizon rebreathers with dive guide in Tulamben on Bali

SSI Specialty Diver

263 per Person
  • Duration 2 days
  • 3 dives included
  • Upon completing two specialty programs with success, you will attain the prestigious title of "Specialty Diver" and advance to the second tier of expertise in the SSI education system.
Perfect shot from the stern of the Boga wreck

Open Water Diver

469 per Person
  • Duration 3 - 4 days
  • 7 dives included
  • In order to advance to the third level of experience with SSI, one must successfully finish the Advanced Open Water Diver course, consisting of four specialty programs.
Advanced Dive Course - SSI Stress & Rescue Assist an unresponsive diver to the surface

SSI React Right
Stress & Rescue

357 per Person
  • Duration 4 days
  • 3 dives included
  • It makes perfect sense to merge these courses since successful completion of first aid training is a prerequisite for undertaking the Stress&Rescue course.

Frequently asked questions about the specialty programs

Scuba School International, commonly known as SSI, has earned global recognition as the premier organization for diving education. It boasts an extensive selection of courses, catering to diverse areas of diving.

Fortunately, the fact that PADI and SSI are universally recognized organizations for diving training ensures that there is no issue with non-professional certifications. Additionally, SSI offers superior customer service by accepting specialty certifications from reputable training organizations like PADI and adding them to your SSI account at the appropriate level of recognition. This means that you can attain the experience levels of "Specialty Diver" or "Advanced Open Water Diver" with certifications from other training organizations, giving you a distinct advantage.
The Advanced Adventurer course focuses on teaching five specific diving activities. You have the flexibility to choose from a variety of activities offered by your selected diving school. Should you decide to include the deep dive in this course, certification will enable you to dive up to 30 meters. While the course is not mandatory, it provides a cost-effective means of expanding your depth limit. Additionally, you have the option to immediately embark on specialty programs. Once you have successfully completed four specialty programs and amassed 24 certified dives, you will attain the coveted status of an “Advanced Open Water” diver. During this phase, you have complete freedom in selecting from the available specialty programs offered by your chosen diving school. Your Advanced Open Water Diver certification will be promptly issued in the system free of charge once all requirements are met. You will then be able to view your digital card in the SSI app. The Advanced Open Water level is widely regarded as the third stage of experience in the SSI training system.
In order to improve your diving experience, it is recommended that you obtain the essential Nitrox and Deep Diving certifications required for diving with Nitrox or going beyond 40 meters. Moreover, we strongly suggest obtaining the decompression diving license for more extensive deep dives.. Beginners can reap significant benefits from enrolling in the buoyancy course. The Advanced Wreck Specialty program holds a special place in our hearts due to the outstanding conditions offered by the Liberty Wreck and Boga Wreck in our diving region.
Yes, it is indeed possible. Upon completion of the Open Water course, you can participate in most specialty programs without any additional prerequisites. However, there are a couple of exceptions like the Decompression Diving Specialty and the Advanced Wreck Specialty. These two programs, owing to their increased complexity, necessitate certification along with evidence of completion of other specialty courses and dive logs to verify diving experience.

After completing two specialty programs and successfully finishing 12 verified dives, individuals will be granted the Specialty Diver recognition level in the SSI training system. This rank is regarded as the second stage of experience within the SSI system and is given at no additional charge.

The Master Diver certification is the highest distinction that can be attained by a non-professional diver. This distinguished accolade is earned through completion of five specialty programs, including the challenging Stress and Rescue Course, and a minimum of 50 verified dives. Once you have met all the prerequisites, the award will be activated and accessible to you free of charge as a digital card within your SSI app.